Monday, April 1, 2013

Time to clean the pool

Dear Devon,

I want to thank you.  Thank you for being a wonderful person and listening.  Not just listening but taking the things I say and putting them into practice.
When we were walking to the movie the other day you said “Today is a good day to clean the pool,”  that told me that you listened to what I said and understood that it meant you can change your mind by changing your thoughts.  Words are tools that can be used to change your mind and other people’s minds.  More important than words is the ability to listen.
Listening with you eyes and your ears will give you to tools to influence people.  I am quiet because I choose to listen more than talk.  You have a gift that you can talk and listen at the same time.  The most important of these is the listening but the talking lets you really engage people and build trust quickly.
You are wise.  You always have been.  Part of that wisdom is putting into practice which I see you do all the time.


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