Tuesday, December 25, 2012

South Pole Santa

I have decided to move to the South Pole. We will hand make toys with Oompa Loompas.

Friday, December 21, 2012

I'm packing a bag

Are we as we muddle through day to day simply packing a bag for a place that we are going?
If we are packing this bag of events and people and interactions simply going to have to have someone else unpack that bag and then they get to figure out what to do with it. 

do we get to take that bag with us?
Then also aren't we somewhat in charge of what we put in that bag.  We choose from the loose random articles that come before us and how we view those things.  We can choose an outfit that fits or one that doesnt' fit us; just as we can take an event that fits or not.

I was watching an older gentleman complain at the library yesterday:  He went to the Gay Library and the clerk told him that they sent the item to the other Main library.  He total went berserk and told her how he lived 5 miles from this library and 8 miles from the other library and the computer system told him it was at this one.  She replied it was at the Gay library but when he put a hold on it that it was sent to his 'main' library on his profile as a convenience.  She could change his 'main' library to the Gay library if he liked.  "I'm not yelling you, I'm yelling at the system"  She calmly said I understand and I can fix it for you but he continued to rant that he didn't want anything but for the system to ask where he wanted his item held before he 'held' it.

what kind of bag are you packing?

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Use of societies resources....

Does society really need another jail, most of the people I see are at the particular location (jail or court) because they have the inability because of a chemical, lack of a chemical, mental situation, or just bad choices.....
Sometimes life has left these people without the view that there are options.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dog straws

I never would have thought I would have to fight over dog semen. Seems my client raised champion coonhounds. These straws were worth thousands of dollars that they kept on the back porch of the single wide. Too bad he didn't think the judge would give him the kid.

2 months after the case became final, his 9 year old daughter was molested by the boyfriend mom moved into the trailer.  But he had his coonhound straws.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Going mobile

It is insane the amount of data we have access to on our phones. They are powerful tools for our words.

The God I believe in isn't scared of Youtube.

A group of islamic militants and protestors destroyed an embassy in Lybia and attacked one in Egypt and several other middle eastern countries.  The explanation they gave was a video posted on youtube.com of a poorly made movie that was an insult to Mohammed and Islam.  Are they really that scared of a bad movie? God is not. 

These people are more likely acting out of desperation in their lives and lack of jobs.  Some may be motivated by misguided religious teachers and misguided theology.  God is not scared of youtube.