Friday, July 10, 2009

So, I decided to try skiing for the first time at 35. No worries. Soft white fluffy stuff. I had seen 100 Warren Miller videos, I had fallen thousands of times starting when I was 1. Its just gravity with some controls.

My wife had been skiing with a youth group in Crested Butte, Colorado and enjoyed it. We went with her sister and brother in law to Winter Park the following Winter. Doug, my brother-in-law had learned to ski at 3 on the Winter Park mountain. Perfect, we now have someone to teach us and did we mention the kids. We need lessons. I go to the beginner class.

I ride the magic carpet. I'm nervous, how do you make these things go? At the top I'm one of the last to go and here I go down the hill-- they forgot to tell us how to STOP. TATA TATA TATA, I rumbled over the other pupils skis as I get to the bottom. I figure thats how you do it. right. all those Warren Miller videos you just point your skis down the hill and go right. What's all this snow plow, pizza french fry stuff? The physics just don't work.

We make it to the big bunny slope, i'm an expert now right. point the skis down the hill, man i can go fast. I remember there are upper level classes of control by turning, What does that mean? Must be an upper level issue.

Next day. White out on the mountain. We go up the zephyr lift. Did I mention we had not been on a lift yet? Wow, this is beautiful, how long is this thing, is there a top? This thing is really long. We can't even see the top of the mountain because of the wind and snow. Should we have goggles, my neck is freezing. Tami is an expert at this point, 3 days in Crested Butte, a lesson at Winter Park. We get off without incident, "where did everyone go all I see is white?" After a few minutes we assemble for Doug to give us directions of how to get down and where to meet. We inch forward to the start of the slopes. "Man is it always this windy?" I try to recall the lesson from the day before---Remember, pizza french fry...... mind over matter blah blah blah. Where is everyone, they must have pointed there skis down and gone. I need to catch up or I am going to get lost. Here I go.

OMG, I am going fast. Why am I passing everyone?